Delivery Policy

Do you have free delivery?

Yes! All of our tags include free delivery within the UK.

For EU and Rest of the World it depends on the delivery method selected during checkout, delivery rates are flat regardless of how much you order!

Is there any additional charges to pay to receive goods?

We ship to customers in EU countries. All orders shipped to countries within the
European Union (EU) will have taxes and duties paid at checkout. This means that the price you see for the item(s) in your cart is the final price you'll pay, and there will be no additional fees or charges upon delivery. We strive to make the checkout process as seamless as possible, so you can enjoy your purchase without any surprises or delays.

This is for EU orders bellow 150€.

Can you send my tags quickly?

Yes! we emboss and send all orders placed up to 3PM GMT time the same working day!

What delivery methods do you offer?

All orders which are shipped within the UK are sent via Royal Mail 48HR FREE of Charge, this generally takes 2-3 working days to arrive, we offer Special Delivery as an additional option if you'd like a quicker delivery.

For EU & Rest of the World orders, delivery generally takes 5-10 days and tracking number is provided.

Do you ship orders to my country?

Yes! We package & ship WORLDWIDE from the UK. We usually send orders using express couriers such as DHL direct post but depending on the country we may use another method which is better suited / quicker to deliver to you. We have sold and shipped thousands of dog tags everywhere from North America to Australia.

If your country is not on the list when ordering, please contact us as we might have to make special arrangements.